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来自法国的Web OS——Baagz

时间:2008-04-10 10:12:12 作者:officeba 【认证】

Join the first live network of shared interest

Baagz is designed to allow you to discover content on the Web and organize it through customized, visual bookmarks. More important, Baagz fosters a collaborative environment where you can connect with others on the Web who share similar interests – whether it be hobbies, travel, music or news –and enhance this content with new ideas, in effect contributing to the expansion of the Web.


Are you a baseball fan? A gourmet cook? An avid alpine skier? A blues lover? Whatever your passion, you can use Baagz’ simple, drag-and-drop tools to create a web page (or ‘baag’) for organizing your favorite content.


Leverage the true power of the Internet community by piggybacking on other people’s research. Search their baagz as well the Web. If you find something useful there, add it to your own baag. You can even drag and drop an entire baag into one of your own, and it’ll be automatically updated anytime its owner makes changes. So far so good.


To move from the sidelines to the playing field, mark your own baagz as public so others can learn from you as well. But don’t stop there.
You’re ready to build a true community based on shared interests. Use the “Add friend” feature to establish contact with the owners of your favorite public baagz. As your network grows, add chat and mailbox access for Yahoo! Mail or Gmail to keep in touch more easily. You can also set baagz alerts to be automatically notified of any changes to your network or to friends’ baagz.

That’s it. It’s a simple—and rich—as that.

Now go forth and search, create, share.

Baagz是一个来自法国的个性化主页服务网站,通过它可以将你喜欢的网络内容收纳、整理、分享。但其包含的服务却不止这些,从它的操作方式和包含的功能上来看更像是一个Web OS。

Baagz以Baag来区分不同类别,Baag相当于iGoogle的Tab(标签页)。用户可以建立无数个Baag,每一个Baag都拥有独立的内容和设置,并且可以设置为公开/非公开。Baag中不仅有最基本的添加书签的功能,还可以上传/导入图片,导入网络视频,记事本,收取Gmail和Yahoo! Mail的邮件,甚至还可以创建一个Chatroom来与相同Baag的用户即时聊天。在页面的上方还有一个搜索框,可以即时搜索Baagz、Web上面的内容,作为个性化主页来讲还是十分方便的。Baagz也添加了一些社会化元素,不仅可以共享Baag,还能与朋友共享自己的约会邀请以及日程。



