Office Groove 2007终于出来了,初步体验了一下,要说这个名字起的不错,听起来也像 Grow 这里是它的主页 ,我们可以看到它的主要功能如下:
1. Bring the team, tools, and information together in one place.
2. Customize each workspace for the team's unique needs.
3. Collaborate with colleagues, partners, and customers ? with one product.
4. Stay productive anywhere, online or offline.
5. Stay in sync, automatically and efficiently.
6. See who's working on what, when.
7. Synchronize SharePoint document libraries with Office Groove 2007.
8. Create a form with Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007; share it with Office Groove 2007.
9. Make the most of impromptu encounters with Microsoft Office Communicator integration.
10. Work with international teams in their own languages.
从图片来看,其功能也很多,也会涉及到 Office 其他组件/SPS/telephone/Computer等等……嗯?很像Office Communicator 是吧?但是功能要比它强的多,而且融入 workflow的概念,再整合Office 2007,霍霍,Office Communicator将如何自处?